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Hawaii Information Website ""


Views :  2 million page views per month
450,000 unique users per month
Members :  129,000 members
E-mail magazine :  50,000 recipients
Advertisers :  Approximately 200 businesses
Contents :  Database of over 8,000 businesses, latest information updated every day, daily news, wallpapers, event calendar, editorials, online reservation system, promotional e-mail blast function, advertisers can update their own multilayer ad with unlimited images and topics/promotions
Social Networking :  In conjunction with Facebook: 97,000, Twitter: 40,379 and Instagram: 88,608, YouTube: 4,497 (as of 2/2023)
Mobile :  Optimized site for Smartphone use

Membership Website "Aloha Breeze"


Launch of Aloha Breeze on April 29, 2021! Feel and enjoy the warmth of Aloha from Japan! Aloha Breeze offers virtual tours and limited edition products available for purchase. Join for free and have access to Hawaii now, including weather information, real time camera, and so much more! With over 40 years of experience, we continue to be the bridge between Hawaii and Japan.

For questions or inquiries, please email:

Members :  129,000 members
Social Networking :  In conjunction with Facebook: 97,000, Twitter: 40,379 and Aloha Breeze's Instagram: 2,807, YouTube: 4,497 (as of 2/2023)
Mobile :  Optimized site for Smartphone use


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